Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Boys will be Boys

Last weekend I had the opportunity to not only photograph but also run around with Nikki, Anthony and Marco. They are very cute and the camera loved them all. I think I got my exercise of the week by running after them throughout the park:) I had an awesome time and got great pics....check out my favorite ones:

I even got a cute one of their gorgeous mother - can you believe she's had 3 kids?

Oh and here are a few with the boys and their mom - how cute are they?

There are more pictures on http://www.photographybyani.com/ check them out...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Playtime in the cold

Although it was freezing this past weekend, I still managed to get many great shots of the two cutest girls ever...They were very playful and fun...Check them out:

Check these out....their mom got them hats and gloves for the cold weather and they started playing dress up....look how cute they are:

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Baby Guess Model & Gorgeous Mom

Saturday I had the wonderful opportunity to shoot Gavin - the latest baby Guess model - and his very gorgoues mother Lilit. Gavin is so adorable and cute that he made my job very easy:)They both did a fantastic job and the pictures speak for themselves....check them out...more can be found on http://www.photographybyani.com/:

Check out Gavin @ http://www.guesskids.com/

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Jesse the Actor/Model

Last weekend I had the opportunity to shoot Jesse Lewis. Jessie is an actor/model who has appeared in various shows including America's Most Smartest Model on VHI, Wedding Bells and Nip/Tuck. Jesse has also appeared in 3 MTV Shows: NEXT, The Littlest Talent Show, and My Own Omarion. I had a great time taking Jesse's pics since he is already an actor/model and knows how to work the camera. Here are my favorites from the shoot: